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The Solution to Your Scheduling Challenges is on the Horizon!

Mazevo (meh-ZAY-vo): It’s Greek for Gather!

Higher Education Scheduling and Online Class and Exam Scheduling Software

A Fresh Perspective on Scheduling Challenges and Solutions

Complicated workflows. Improvised workarounds. Frustrating waits for promised updates. For many schedulers today, this sums up their relationship with their room and resource scheduling system.

Our one-on-one interviews with scheduling professionals at campuses around the country revealed the depth of their disappointment and frustration. These conversations covered a wide range of topics, from their top scheduling challenges and scheduling software concerns, to how they measure success, to trends in event scheduling.

The results are eye-opening and summarized in this report!

Fortunately, we were able to raise their spirits with news of a new product slated for release later this year. Already our entry-level product, Mazevo Essentials, is demonstrating the power of cloud-optimized architecture and unmatched, real-time collaboration capabilities.

Get your copy of Snapshot today. And when you’re ready for a preview of how you can provide a better experience for your customers and your staff, contact us for a demonstration of Mazevo Essentials.

Mazevo… Expect more from your scheduling solution.

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