Account Settings: What They Are and How to Modify Them

Account settings are system-wide settings that global system administrators manage. The settings include branding information, a login alert message, and email message configuration settings.

To access account settings:

1. Hover your cursor over the arrow beside your initial in the upper right corner of the window. 

2. Select Account Settings.

Account Settings -  menu


The system then displays a window where you can review/modify the settings listed below.

Account Settings-3

Public Calendar Link

This link can be copied and used on an external website to launch an interactive calendar of events with data from Mazévo. Note that if an event has been marked as "private," none of its bookings will be displayed on the public calendar.


You can upload a logo that will be used in the page heading of confirmations and invoices. The recommended size is 300 x 300.

Primary Color

The primary color is used on the confirmation and invoices to highlight each booking.

Reply Email for Account Maintenance

The Reply Email is used when Mazévo sends system emails to the user (See Below). If the user replies to the email, Mazevo will direct the email to this email address.  If the reply address is blank, the default reply address of '' will be used. 

Alert Message

The alert message is displayed for all users when they log into Mazévo. The message is displayed at the top of the screen and can be dismissed by pressing the 'x.'

Alert  Login Message

Requester Support Message

The requester support message is displayed when a requester presses the 'Need Help?' link at the top of the screen.  The purpose of the message is to direct your users to the proper support within your facility rather than having the requester contact Mazévo directly.

Account Settings - a sample of the request support message.

Here's where the Need Help link will appear:

The requester will see a Need Help link if the message has been configured in Account Settings

Customizing Mazévo's system email messages

There are five system-generated emails that you can customize to your organization's needs. The messages are:

  • Change Email Address - Sent to users when they change their email address in Mazévo.  
  • Confirm Email - Sent to users to confirm their email address and set a new password.
  • Email Address Changed - Sent to a user after successfully changing their email address.
  • Forgot Password - Sent to a user when they press 'Forgot Password.'
  • Welcome New Requester - Sent to a new requester when the account is created. The welcome email will not be sent if the subject line is blank.

To edit the email message, press on the email to change and edit the message text. When the email is generated, special fields are substituted for each message. You can use these fields (first name, last name, old email, and new email) to personalize the message to the specific user.

Mazevo Account Settings showing the emails tab


Changing the logo displayed in the email messages

All outbound email messages above will use a standard Mazévo logo by default.  However, you can upload your organization's logo to be included in the email, replacing the Mazévo logo.  If you do not want to include the logo in the body of the email, check Hide Logo in Emails.