Billing Codes: What They Are and How to Apply Them

A billing code is an accounting number that you can set on each event. The code will display on various reports in Mazévo, including the confirmation and invoice. In addition, you can put a default billing code on an organization.

Where is the billing code used?

The billing code is displayed on:

  • Confirmations
  • Invoices
  • Find Invoices
  • Revenue Analytics

Note that there is no "validation" of this number. Instead, you type it in the field provided and then save the organization's record.


To set the billing code for an organization

  1. Go to Events > Organizations. 
  2. From the list of organizations, select an organization to edit. Billing Code
  3. Type a billing code for the organization and click Save.

This billing code is automatically set on all new events created for this organization. However, you can override an organization's default billing code when creating an event. Existing events are not updated with a newly entered or changed billing code. 

To edit the billing code for an event:

1.  Locate and open the event you want to change. 

2.  Click Change.

3. Enter or edit the billing code on the billing tab.

4.  Click Save.