How to Find a Course

Find Courses is a powerful tool that lets you locate courses with specific attributes, including Term, Subject(s), and Instructor.

To locate a course using the Find Courses function:

  1. Select Academics > Find Courses.
  2. Select a term, subjects, or instructors as appropriate.

    Find Courses - filter
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click a course. Note that the list of courses can be sorted by clicking any of the column headings. You can also filter the list of courses by entering text in the Search for a Course field to narrow the list. 
    Find Courses - Results Grid

Tips and Tricks for Using the Find Courses Function

  • You can sort the results of the grid by clicking on any column heading on the grid. You can sort the data in descending order by clicking the column heading a second time.  find events - sorting

  • You can filter the results by using the Search for a Course field at the top of the list. The list updates dynamically as you type, filtering for that value in any column.

Find Courses - Filter grid

  • You can export the displayed results by clicking the Export button. The export can be in PDF or XLS format.

Find Courses - Export

  • You can group the results of the grid by any column by selecting Group By and then selecting the column. 

Find Courses - Group by

Grouping by Instructor looks like this:

Find Courses - Group by example