Overview of Secondary Approvals

The secondary approval system in Mazévo creates approvals for an event based on its various attributes. Mazévo monitors the "state" of each approval and allows for one or more "approvers" to accept or deny approvals assigned to them.


The secondary approval system in Mazévo creates approvals for an event based on its various attributes. Mazévo monitors the "state" of each approval and allows for one or more "approvers" to accept or deny approvals assigned to them. The event planner can monitor all approvals in the system, change individual approvals, and set the event's overall status based on the actions of the approvers.

The Process

  1. A request is entered and triggers secondary approvals to be created.
  2. The Event Planner reviews the event, releases approvals, or cancels the request.
  3. The request waits for approvers to approve or deny the secondary approvals.  The request remains in a request status (a status with a request behavior of pending) while the secondary approvals are processed (reviewed by approvers).
  4. If all of the secondary approvals are approved, the event planner can approve the overall event, changing the booking statuses to confirmed (any status with a request behavior of booked).
  5. If one or more secondary approvals are denied, the event planner will generally deny the event, changing the status to Denied or Canceled (any status with a request behavior of Denied). Optionally, the event planner can adjust the request by deleting the denied services and continuing to wait for the remaining secondary approvals.

The secondary approval process depends upon the event having one or more bookings in a status marked with a request behavior of pending.


Examples of Secondary Approvals 

  • The AV Department must approve all AV requests.
  • Events over 100 people need Security Department approval.
  • The building manager must approve events using the ballroom.
  • All events that are using the Special Events event type must be reviewed.

Secondary Approval Triggers

Mazévo automatically creates secondary approvals for the following types of "triggers":

  • Always. Every event must be approved.
  • Manual. Added to an event manually by the event planner.
  • Location. Approval is required for certain spaces. 
  • Size. Approval is required for events that exceed a certain size threshold.  
  • Services. Approval is required if certain resources or services are requested.
  • Type of Event. Approval is required for certain event types.
  • Organization Type. Approval is required for certain organization types.
  • Event Question. Approval is required for a specific answer to an Event Question.

Approval States

There are six states for approvals. The first three are the most common in Mazévo:

  • Pending. The secondary approval is awaiting action from an approver. 
  • Approved. The secondary approval has been granted.
  • Denied. The secondary approval has been denied. 

The other three states have special uses:

  • Waiting for Review. The system can be set up so that an event planner must review approvals before being changed to the Pending state.  When the event planner activates the approvals for an event, the approvers immediately receive an email.
  • Disregarded. The approval is ignored and treated as if it never existed.
  • Pending - Changes Made. Changes have been made following approval, so an additional review is required.

To create an approval:

1. Go to Settings >  Secondary Approvals.  

2. Enter a description and optional notes.

3. Select the approval trigger. Based on the selection, an additional tab (or an additional field in the case of Attendance) is displayed. Click that tab and make entries as appropriate.

4. Click the Approvers tab and check the boxes for people requiring approval. (Note: only users with the Oversight role are shown in the list.)

5. Click Save.

Managing Pending Approvals

An approver in Mazévo is a user who has been granted access to the Oversight role by an administrator and is selected as someone who needs to review certain approvals. The approver can see a list of pending approvals in the Mazévo mobile app or on the web and approve or deny them. 

If the secondary approval is assigned to more than one approver, only one must change the state of the approval (approve or deny). Other approvers can access the history of all the approvals assigned to them regardless of which approver changed the state. 

The Event Planner's Role in Managing Approvals 

The event planner is the "quarterback" of the approval system. They have three tools at their disposal for managing approvals:

  • Day at a Glance - Requests. Requests are grouped by the overall approval status.  
  • Day at a Glance - Approvals. Events are grouped in request status by each individual approval record in the system. If an event has three approvals, it is displayed once for each approval, regardless of its state. After an event has been confirmed or canceled, it is no longer displayed here.
  • Event Editor. The event editor can be used to review and edit any approval for the event. It can also be used to change the state of approvals from Waiting for Review to Pending if the system has been set to use this preview feature. 


Changes to the Event

When an event planner makes changes to the event, the system creates new approvals as necessary and marks any unnecessary approvals as disregarded. 


Emailing the Approvers

When the event planner activates the approvals, an email is sent immediately to the approvers. If approvals are automatically activated, the email is sent out at 3 a.m. The approver will continue to receive an email daily for each approval until the approval is approved or denied.

Sample Email Body:

A sample of the email sent to the approver