Room Features: What They Are and How to Create Them

Room Features are an easy way to add attributes to a room, like a built-in projector or a whiteboard. Once features are assigned to a room, event planners and requesters can filter the list of available rooms to those with a selected feature.

Defining a new feature and assigning it to rooms

1) Navigate to Settings > Rooms.

2) Click on Manage Features.

3) Click Add Feature to create a new feature.Adding a room feature in Settings > Rooms

4) On the Details tab, enter a description for the new feature.

5) Check Requestable if the feature will be available to requesters when adding a new request.

6) On the Rooms tab, select one or more rooms that have this feature.

7) Press Save.

To edit a Room Feature, click on the feature name and make the necessary changes in the description or the selected rooms.


Using features when creating a new event (as an event planner)

To limit the list of available rooms to rooms with a specific feature, select the feature from the room feature dropdown box on the Where panel of Add New Event.  The list will be filtered immediately.

Filtering the list of available rooms to rooms with a specific feature

Using features when creating a new request (as a requester)

To limit the list of available rooms to rooms with a specific feature, select the feature from the room feature dropdown box on the Where panel of Add New Event.  The list will be filtered immediately.

A requester can limit rooms to a rooms with a feature by typing the feature in the search for field