How to Use Manage Operations in Mazévo Ops

Manage Operations allows service managers to assign work to their staff and monitor the current state of the services they are providing to events.


Manage operations is one of the three functions of Mazévo Ops.  It is designed to allow managers of various services, like catering, AV, and Facilities, to view events that have services and see the current state of the work and drill down into the event details. Manage operations optionally allows work to be assigned to the manager's staff.  

At a glance, the main grid shows the following information:

  • Event Name - The event ID and event name.
  • Start and End Times - In addition to event times, the setup and teardown times are displayed. 
  • Location - Building and room. If a room diagram is attached to the booking, an icon will appear next to the room. Clicking on the icon will display the room diagram.
  • Turn Times - The number of hours between this booking and previous and next booking in this room.
  • Last (Hrs) - The number of hours between this booking and the last booking in this room.
  • Next (Hrs) - The number of hours between this booking and the next booking in this room.
  • Booking Status - The status of the booking.
  • Booking Ready  - This column displays the Set as Ready indicator.
  • Recent Changes - If a user has marked the booking as reviewed, recent changes are flagged.
  • Work Log - Quick access to the work log for this booking.
  • Services - The setup and service provider icons are displayed.

Manage Operatio

The Manage Operations function is also available in the Mazévo Mobile Ap.

Getting Started


Assigning Work

Marking Work as Completed



Filtering the events by building, status, and service provider

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, select Settings.

Manage Operations page highlighting the settings button


2) From the buildings tab, select the building(s) that should be displayed; from the statuses tab, select the statuses that should be displayed.

Manage operations  settings

3) Press Save

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Selecting services that you manage

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, select Settings.

Manage Operations page highlighting the settings button


2) From the service provider tab, select the service provider(s) that you manage.  This is used to filter the bookings and work items to those with your selected providers.

Manage operations  settings

3) Press Save

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Limiting the events to your services

To focus on just events that have your selected services:

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, check Only show my service providers checkbox. 


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Checking the current status of work

1) From the main Manager Operations screen, hover over the service icons, and a popup will appear displaying the current state of the work.

Manage Ops - checking the status of work


Selecting your staff

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, choose Settings.

Manage Operations main page

2) From the tab, My Staff, select the users that you manage.

Manage operations  settings

3) Press Save.

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Share your settings with your staff (Optional)

After setting your building, status, and service provider filters, you can share the setting with your staff members.

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, click on the Share Button.

Sharing your settings as a manager

2) Select one or more of your staff members and press Share.

Selecting staff to receive your settings

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Assigning work to your staff (Optional)

1) From the main Manage Operations screen, click on the event to assign staff.

Manage Operations - List of Events

2) Scroll to the appropriate service and select Assign Staff.

Manage Ops - Event Detail - Assign Staff

3) use the checkboxes to select the workers from the list of workers for the setup. Managers can select more than one worker for each phase of work.

Manage Ops - Assign Staff - Pick Staff Members

4) Press Save.

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Filtering assigned work by a staff member

From the main Manage Operations page, choose one or more staff members in the Staff dropdown, and the results will be filtered to work assigned to those staff.

Filtering Manage Operations to work assigned to a staff member


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Setting individual services as in progress or complete

By drilling into a booking on the Manage Operations page, you can change the state of each service to In Progress or Completed by pressing the button for each service.  You can also enter a note or upload a photo to the work log.

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Setting the entire booking as ready

A manager can also set the overall state of each booking to ready, which automatically sets each service to complete and sets a flag on the booking that it is ready for the customer.

Manage Operations - Set as Ready

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Seeing which bookings have been changed

If a booking has been changed within the last 14 days, the column labeled Changed will display an icon indicating that something on the booking has been changed.

Manage Operations - Changed Icon for a booking -1


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Security roles required for Manage Operations

To use the Manage Operations function, a user must be assigned the Service Manager Role.  Users that are assigned work must be assigned the Service Worker role.  

Ops Security Roles

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