What are the Pricing Methods available in Mazevo?

There are 3 different pricing methods available when defining prices in Mazévo. They are Unit Price, Hourly Pricing, and Half Day/Full Day.

What are the pricing methods? 

  • Unit Pricing - A flat price for each unit consumed or used.
     Setting a unit price on a resource


  • Hourly Pricing - The charge amount is calculated as the price multiplied by the number of hours the item is in use. Mazévo can calculate hours based on event hours, service hours, or manually entered hours. The option for service hours is only available for resources, not rooms.  Hourly pricing can also have a minimum and maximum charge amount.  You can specify a percentage discount as well. 
    Setting an hourly price on a resource


  • Half-Day/Full-Day Pricing - If the booking is for 4 hours or less, the half-day rate will be applied; otherwise, the full-day rate is applied.  Setting half dayfull day pricing on a room

What items can have a price?

Rooms and Resources can have pricing defined. In addition, each room or resource can have one or more prices defined by creating different pricing plans.


Where do you define pricing for Rooms and Resources?

To define prices go to Settings > Pricing Plans > Manage Pricing.