July 13, 2022

Securing a Campus Just Got Easier: Mazévo Partners With Dax!


A top priority for any campus entity that hosts events is ensuring easy and safe access to the event site. Historically, that has meant that facility staff members had to walk from room to room and unlock doors prior to event start times and then repeat the trek to lock rooms after events.

Our new business partner Detrios provides a product called DAX that literally takes the legwork out of that process!

Automating the Securing of Campus Facilities

Many campuses around the U.S. use DAX to lock and unlock rooms as needed automatically. This saves thousands of hours of manual work annually. It also makes campuses safer, as people only have access to rooms when the appropriate approval authorities have granted it.

The many campuses that also have Mazévo can integrate the two systems so that information on scheduled events can drive the automatic locking and unlocking of rooms. And because the sharing of event information happens in near-real-time, your team can accommodate things like last-minute cancellations or on-demand bookings with ease.

Intelligent Access Control… Made More So!

With DAX and Mazévo working together seamlessly, error-prone manual programming of room access parameters is a thing of the past. Plus, the Detrios team has considered all possible scheduling scenarios in developing the functionality in DAX.

For example, campus police can immediately take control from DAX if appropriate in an emergency. The system also has comprehensive auditing and reporting capabilities.

What Would the Mazévo/DAX Integration Look Like in Your Environment?

Want to learn more about how Mazévo and DAX interact and what their integration could mean for your campus? Contact us today to schedule a live Mazévo demo customized to reflect your facilities and scheduling processes!

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