
August 19, 2024

New Request for Information Feature and More


New Features

Request Additional Event Information

You can now request additional event information from Requesters. If you often need further details from your requesters before you can process a request, this feature is for you. You can now add an Event Question requiring a response to the event. Mazévo will then notify the requester via email that they must submit a response to the question by a specified due date. You can monitor responses in Mazévo and email the requester again if you don't get a response.

Filter rooms by room notes

When adding a new event or request, you can now search for rooms based on room notes. Room notes often indicate the rooms' features and attributes, making it possible to find the appropriate room quickly.

Default Dashboard Renamed

The default dashboard has been renamed to Sample. This sample dashboard will disappear once you define a custom dashboard.

Add Organizations When Processing a New User

You can now associate a new organization with a user contact while processing their account. Previously, if you were processing a new user and the organization you wanted to tie them to didn't exist in Mazévo, you had to completely exit the screen, create the organization, and come back to associate the organization with the user contact.

Report Updates

Event Transaction Report

The invoicing tab of the Event Editor includes a new transaction report. You can now create a report of all transactions on an event, including unapplied deposits, invoices, and payments.

Revenue Analytics Report - Filter by Event Type

You can now use Event Type as a filter when running Revenue Analytics.

Advanced Find Events - Day-of-Week Filter

There is a new day-of-week filter in Advanced Find Events. This allows you to search for events that occur on specific days of the week or weekends.

Export to PDF Option Removed on Selected Configuration Reports

Configuration reports that typically contain a lot of data will now be exported to Excel exclusively. These reports include: Rooms, Building Hours, Resources, Manage Pricing, Security Policies - User tab, Room Security Groups - Room Tab

Bugs Fixed

This release addressed several issues including the following

  • The Resource Usage Report was not displaying the field for additional days.
  • In some cases, the user-preferred email address appeared as a null.
  • The history of changes by operations staff was not being written correctly in the Work Log.
  • A requester could not edit some events converted from EMS.
  • In limited cases, the user could not create a new invoicing department.
  • Setup and teardown times were not displaying correctly in combo rooms in the requester book.
  • Adding a new billing contact was giving an error.
  • Importing contacts and organizations was behaving as if the phone number was required.
  • Adding four or more header messages to the confirmation would give an error.
  • Adding a profile picture gave an error.
  • The contacts page was displaying organizations that were disabled.
  • Find events displayed organizations that were deleted.
  • There was no indicator of deleted payments and deposits when viewing.

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