May 12, 2023

4 Fun Facts About the Calendar


Let's face it, without the calendar modern life as we know it would not exist. Appointments, birthdays and anniversaries would be missed and we would never know what day it is. Just think how hard it would be to plan events without a calendar!

At Mazévo we think a lot about calendars when it comes to scheduling meeting and event spaces. Read on to learn some interesting facts about the calendar and Mazévo's calendar features.

Fact One

The calendar used in most countries now is the Gregorian Calendar and was proposed by the Catholic Church and introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and adopted by several Catholic countries. Its predecessor was the Julian Calendar which had been introduced hundreds of years earlier by Julius Caesar

Fact Two

The Mayan calendar dates back to at least the 5th century BCE, and by 900 AD had been refined into a complex, but highly accurate calendar, even more precise than the modern Gregorian calendar we use today.

Fact Three

Although the months of the year have a different number of days in them, the total number of days in 5 consecutive months which don't include February, always adds up to 153. So, for example, August (31) + September (30) + October (31) + November (30) + December (31) equals 153.

Fact Four

September is the 9th month of the year but it comes from the word "septem" meaning seven. October is the the 10th month but comes from the word "octo" meaning 8. November is the 11th and comes from "novem" meaning 9. And finally December is the 12th month but comes from "decem" meaning 10. This is because a predecessor to our modern Gregorian calendar was the ancient roman calendar which had only 10 months and the names reflected when they occurred in the year.

Bonus Fact!

Mazevo is a cloud-based platform designed to help organizations manage their meeting and event spaces more efficiently. The booking calendar within the software allows users to view the availability of rooms and resources, and schedule and manage events and meetings. You can even publish a public calendar of events to your organization's website.

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