
January 23, 2023

01-23-2023 New Meeting Check-In and Academic Updates


Event and Operations Updates


New Meeting Check-In (Beta)
One way to monitor and reduce the number of meeting no-shows is to require the meeting organizer to check in before their meeting. Mazévo now allows you to enable a check-in process for specific rooms, which means meeting organizers can check in from their mobile devices once they arrive for their meeting. If the organizer does not check in, the meeting will be automatically flagged as a no-show in Mazévo for reporting purposes. This feature is currently in Beta. Contact Mazévo Support if you would like to try it out.
Number of Bookings on My Events
Requesters will now see the number of bookings they have requested for each event on My Events.
Select All Option for Building Hours Exceptions
When event planners are notified of exceeding building hours for a series of bookings, they can now acknowledge the exception for all the bookings at once. Previously they had to recognize the exception for each booking individually.
Resize Columns on Review Events
You can now resize the columns on review events in operations. Previously the column size was fixed.
Filter by Service Provider on Review Events
You can now filter the list on the review events page by service provider.
New Date Selection on Activity Log
The activity log can now look for changes to bookings for today plus a set number of days.


Academic Updates

The following updates apply to Mazévo's academic tools.

View History on Academic Courses
You can now view the history of changes to academic courses.
New Academic Analytic Reporting
If you use Mazévo to manage classroom assignments, you now have additional reporting options to monitor classroom utilization. Mazévo's Academic Analytic tools let you analyze and report on instructor, subject, classroom, and course type utilization.
New Academic Conflicts
The academic conflicts page on Day at a Glance has been updated to make it easier to view and verify conflicts. It will now display a separate list of courses in conflict and bookings that have been bumped. In addition, Mazévo now displays course information instead of individual course dates for each conflict. If a class conflicts with another course, you now have a shortcut to retry the room assignment and see if the room has become available.
New Auto Process Option for Courses
If you are automatically synchronizing Mazévo with your SIS, you can now have Mazévo automatically process changes after reimporting a term. These changes include enrollment, instructor, date, time, location, canceled, and new courses. Previously you had to process these changes manually.


Bugs Fixed

This update includes several fixes and improvements, including:
Improving Mazévo's performance when managing a large number of building hours
Mazévo was not creating a PDF version of the calendar when clicking the Create PDF button.

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