
July 13, 2022

07-13-2022 Confirmation & Event Editor Updates


Confirmation Updates

Copy Link Button for Confirmations
You can now copy links to any confirmation that you generate. Previously the only way to retrieve the link to an event confirmation was to email the confirmation to yourself and copy the link from there.

Display Booking Setup and Teardown Time on Confirmations
There is a new option to display booking setup and teardown time to your customers on the confirmation. You may enable this option by editing the confirmation template.


Event Editor

New Icon to Indicate Item Invoiced
Once a resource item or room charge has been invoiced, Mazévo will display an icon next to the price, letting you know it was invoiced. The icon makes it easier to tell if a charge was added to an event after you created the invoice. Hovering over the icon with your mouse will display the invoice number that includes the price.

Condensed Booking Display
The size of the booking rows in the event editor has been reduced to fit more bookings on the page before you have to scroll.

Approve and Deny Buttons Consistently Display
Depending on how you configured Mazévo, there were instances that the approve and deny buttons did not show for requests. This has been resolved.

Approval Workflow Notification Emails Sent Immediately
If you are using Mazévo Approval Workflows, an email is now sent once you press the activate all button. Previously Mazévo would wait until early the following day to send workflow email notifications.


Mazévo Requests

Requester Test Mode For Mazévo Global Administrators
A global administrator can now submit test event requests without using a second Mazévo user account. This option is available under the user menu. Once selected, you will be able to pick which security policy you wish to test and will be logged out. Once you log back in, you can submit test requests with the selected security policy.

Requesters - Decimals Not Allowed When Selecting Resources
When entering a quantity for resources, a requester will no longer be able to select decimal quantities (i.e., 2.5 tables)

Room Ratings for Requesters Has Been Removed.


Other Updates

Room Card Report - Indicator for Private Events
The room card report will now display private events' start and end times. The event name is "Private Event," and the organization's name is hidden. Previously Mazévo showed no details about private events on room cards, so you had no way to know if the room was in use for a private event.

Mazévo API Updated
This update includes a couple of changes to the Mazévo API. You can now submit a Mazévo Contact ID, and the API returns the contacts name, email and external reference. The Mazévo GetEvents call now returns Mazévo IDs for event information. See the Mazévo API documentation for more details

Accessibility Improvements

With this release, we have improved compliance with Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 A to ensure that our products are accessible to those with disabilities.


Bug Fixes

We resolved an issue causing canceled events to display on All Events on the mobile app.
We resolved an issue that was causing room cards to be filtered incorrectly.
We resolved an issue that caused text to overlap and not display correctly on the BEO.


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