March 24, 2021

Is Your Room Scheduling System Integrated? Here’s Why It Should Be.


Integrating your scheduling solution with other systems you use—that is, enabling it to share data with those systems—can be very beneficial to your scheduling department for a few reasons. First, integration can make your meeting and event scheduling operations much more efficient by eliminating the need to add information to multiple systems. The different programs simply import or export data as needed.

Integrating also ensures that any linked systems stay in sync. You don’t want to have different versions of important information out there.

Plus, integration helps prevent errors that can occur when information is manually entered in multiple places. One keystroke mistake can turn 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and that can be a major problem for the people coordinating the event!

Two Examples of Powerful, Out-of-the-Box System Integrations

If the term “integration” brings to mind a long, complicated process for getting two systems to “talk” to one another, it shouldn’t. While that may have been the case with some systems years ago, today, with a product like Mazévo, integration is much easier. In fact, two of our powerful integrations are ready to go as soon as you log into the system:

  • Room sign integration. Connecting your scheduling solution with signs outside your meeting and event spaces means data can automatically be “pushed” to those signs so they always have the most up-to-date information. Plus, with interactive room signs, people can actually book a room right from the device, and they can also get more detailed information on existing events.
  • Student information system (SIS) integration. In higher education settings, classes have priority over meetings and events in most spaces and in most instances. Linking your scheduling system to your school’s SIS enables Mazévo to pull in course information so that you can simply book classroom space around those classes. If there are already-scheduled meetings that conflict with classes, the system automatically bumps those meetings and alerts you so you can decide how to handle the situation.

Again, these integrations are built into Mazévo and can be enabled with very little effort.

Other System Integrations

Room sign and SIS integration are the two most common needs of our customers. However, the sky’s the limit when it comes to linking systems.

For example, here are some other integrations we are currently exploring.

  • An HVAC system in order to adjust heating and cooling based on when a room is being used
  • A student organization management system to streamline the importing and maintaining of a list of student groups and officers
  • Payment processing software in order to have Mazévo updated with details on payments submitted through third-party systems like Stripe
  • Digital signature systems like DocuSign so that confirmations can be signed electronically
  • Door-locking software to enable the locking/unlocking of rooms based on a room schedule

And, not only do these types of integrations increase efficiency, they demonstrate that you have a progressive scheduling operation that embraces technology to improve the customer experience.

Integrations and the Mazévo API

An API (or application programming interface) is an interface that programmers use to understand quickly how to connect to a particular system. Mazévo comes standard with an API that enables other programs to read data from the system when authorized to do so.

For instance, the API simplifies the process of enabling digital signage systems, like those from Visix or REACH Media Network, to automatically pull meeting and event details from Mazévo. The result is displays that provide visitors with up-to-date information that helps them find their meeting or event.

Synergy That Enhances the Value of Key Systems

Event scheduling, course scheduling, room sign, and other systems are very helpful on their own. When you integrate Mazévo with other systems, you create a solution where “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

In other words, the synergy produced makes all of the systems work more efficiently and effectively. And that’s an outcome every scheduling department—and every organization—wants to achieve!

To learn more about Mazévo integrations, call 800-254-7615 or schedule an informative online demo.

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